Festo е световен лидер в областта на технологиите за автоматизация със седалище в Германия. Ние вдъхновяваме света с интелигентните си решения за автоматизация на промишленото производство. Като глобална компания ние предлагаме на служителите си висока степен на гъвкавост. Предоставяме Ви отлични възможности да осъществявате идеите си – защото новаторството има нужда от свобода и сигурност. А ние имаме нужда от Вас. Кандидатствайте сега и не спирайте да движите света.

New product industrialization engineer

Your job:
• New product introduction(NPI): Coordinate PCB & PCBA topics between 
international development teams, purchasing, project office and indirectly 
• Working in an interdisciplinary, agile product team being responsible for the whole 
project-cycle of the PCBs;
• Coordination and integration with the work of internal and external development 
• Creating and optimizing process flows and tools connected with PCB design 
• Perform documentation – manual, workflows and checklist.
Technical and Professional Competencies:
• Master’s or bachelor’s degree in electronic, computer engineering, mathematics or a 
comparable qualification;
• Practical experience in the corresponding field with more than 2 years will be 
consider as a serious advantage;
• Experience in production environment will be considered as positive point;
• Experience with SAP, Windchill, MS Visio and VBA would be beneficial;
• Excellent written and spoken English, knowledge in German language will be 
considered as a strong advantage;
• Communication and team skills, as well as an independent, structured, and targetoriented approach to work.
Personal Competencies and Requirements:
• Capable of making fast decisions and taking the responsibility for the results in 
dynamic and changing environment;
• Oriented towards goals achieving and results;
• Focused on the added value for the internal and/or external clients;
• Team player, able to work in a multicultural working environment;
• Thinking out of the box, creativity, and continuous improvement attitude;
• Flexible, adaptable, open to meet the change and acquire new knowledge and skills

Съоръжение:  Festo Production EOOD

София, BG, 1000

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