Festo е световен лидер в областта на технологиите за автоматизация със седалище в Германия. Ние вдъхновяваме света с интелигентните си решения за автоматизация на промишленото производство. Като глобална компания ние предлагаме на служителите си висока степен на гъвкавост. Предоставяме Ви отлични възможности да осъществявате идеите си – защото новаторството има нужда от свобода и сигурност. А ние имаме нужда от Вас. Кандидатствайте сега и не спирайте да движите света.

Didactic spec. Electrical Design

Festo Didactic is the market leader in technical education and a 100% subsidiary of Festo SE. Our customers are vocational schools and universities worldwide. They use our products to train the future technical workforce. Our products combine latest technologies and didactical innovations as well.

As part of an international team you will develop learning systems for training in electrical engineering. Very soon you will be able to take responsibility for the complete development cycle from circuit design up to testing the devices and ensure product compliance. You will receive a thorough familiarization with our product range and the philosophy behind to make sure you understand the special demands of the education market


Your job:

  • Development of electronic components of learning systems including circuit design, layout and firmware in collaboration with other team members (e.g. mechanical engineers, product managers).
  • Development of analog and digital hardware boards/solutions from design phase to production release.
  • Debugging and testing with a hands-on mentality.
  • Product maintenance of existing product portfolio to ensure long term availability, competitive production cost, quality and producibility.
  • Development, build-up and setup of prototypes as well as coordination and execution of functional tests.
  • Active collaboration with other departments regarding product compliance (eps. EMC), production


Technical Competencies and Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Communications or similar field.
  • Good written and spoken English, knowledge in German language will be considered as an strong advantage.
  • good command of and MS Office
  • Experience with Allegro PCB Design, SAP and Windchill will be considered as an advantage.


Professional Competencies and Requirements:

  • Proven practical experience in PCB Design at least 3 years are considered as advantage.
  • Knowledge of common industrial Ethernet interfaces would be beneficial.
  • Good knowledge in control systems engineering and analog electronics.


You can expect the following with us:

  • Motivating compensation and social benefits package
  • Opportunity to work on a variety of projects in the field of industrial automation, IIoT and robotics;
  • Professional development and learning opportunities in high technology and production environment.


In case your professional qualification corresponds to the above requirements and you wish to join our growing team, please send us your CV and a cover letter. 


Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Your documents and personal data will be treated as confidential and will be protected according to Bulgarian Data Protection Legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).


HR contact person: Marta Velkova, careersbgproduction@festo.com

Reference code: 13212

Съоръжение:  Festo Production EOOD

София, BG, 1000

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